Emirates Aviation University
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Avionics Technology
The Applied Bachelor (BEng Honours) in Avionics Technology offers a stimulating, dynamic, and hands-on course in avionics engineering. It includes the study of design, manufacture, development, and maintenance of electrical and electronic systems in aeroplanes, satellites, helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV). The Applied Bachelor (BEng Honours) in Avionics Technology also offers a strong foundation in the key aspects of avionics field such as communications, navigation, aircraft flight-control systems, collision-avoidance systems, black boxes, radar and sonar. The programme prepares learners for various jobs and careers in the electrical, electronics, communication and navigation field with greater emphasis towards aviation industry. The following qualification is also available as exit award of the Applied Bachelor (BEng Honours) in Avionics Technology.
Required Credit Hours: minimum hours