Heriot-Watt University
Heriot-Watt University

Heriot-Watt University

Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Mechanical Engineering

Modern society needs high quality Mechanical Engineering graduates for their professional mechanical engineering skills and expertise. Mechanical Engineering offers an exciting environment where many skills are brought together to enable the undergraduate student to understand:
  • how products are engineered, manufactured and supported
  • how and where analytical engineering science and mathematics are used in design, development and research
  • how the use and management of resources is important to society and business competitiveness
  • how it is necessary to communicate and present concepts to engineers and non-engineers alike
Mechanical engineers play key roles in all industrial sectors, from aerospace and oil and gas, through food and transport, to the manufacturing, chemical and entertainment industries. Professional mechanical engineers are at the forefront of the management of the Earth’s natural resources, as they strive to meet the conflicting demands of the modern world, in particular the desire for ever-increasing living standards in the face of limited resources and environmental concerns. These challenges are perhaps clearest in the field of energy production and utilisation. In many areas of the world, provision of adequate water supplies is an ever more pressing problem. As well as having vital roles in providing these basic necessities, mechanical engineers belong to teams responsible for the design and manufacture of countless articles we take for granted today, from aircraft to artificial joints.