United Arab Emirates University
Food and Agriculture
About the College
The College of Food and Agriculture (CFA) was first inaugurated as the College of Agricultural Sciences in the academic year 1980/1981. At that time the academic structure included only two departments, namely, the Department of Plant Production and the Department of Animal Production. In 1995 the college program was further developed to focus on ‘Arid Land Agriculture’ and ‘Food Science and Nutrition’ by adding the Department of Food Science and Nutrition. Then in 2001, United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) took a major step in transforming the College of Agriculture Sciences to reflect the vision of a 21st century university and to follow the evolving nature of higher agriculture education where agriculture became an industry and a component of the economy and society. The University designed a new curriculum to meet the needs of the UAE and to conform to the latest trends and concepts of agricultural education of the new millennium. The new interdisciplinary curriculum is based on the concept of vertically integrated systems and encompasses production agriculture, food processing, agribusiness & natural resources, and the environment. The CFA now consists of five departments: Aridland Agriculture Department; Food Science Department; Nutrition & Health Department; Agribusiness and Consumer Sciences Department; and the Veterinary Medicine Department, each offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate degree programs. The language of instruction is English and the faculty focus on the quality of the learning experience for each student. The CFA continues to support the UAE, which is committed to being a knowledge-based economy in which education and research play a critical role.
Academic Departments
7 Undergraduate Programs 6 Graduate Programs